Dropzone Commander: First impressions gameplay

So Yesterday I finally played my first game of Dropzone Commander.

This game, from the starters set already showed to me the power behind the game dynamics.

We played the starter mission being a "Capture the objectives". 3 objectives are spread over 3 buildings in your little town. Duration of the game is 6 turns.

Every turn is divided into 3 steps per battlegroup, being
  • Initiation
    • Check who may begin the turn. This is easily done by rolling a D6.
  • Activation
    • Every player activates a battlegroup, and does all the actions with it
    • Actions include move and shoot (any order you choose)
    • This means, you choose either of your two units, and do all your wanted actions with them. Once you've done all with your battlegroup, your opponent can now choose a battlegroup and do his actions. This until all groups have been activated.
  • Resolve
    • Check if anyone hit the victory conditions
    • End!
This entire system shows a very dynamic result not found in similar games like 40k, where you do all your actions before your opponent. Being able to only perform actions with a part of your army makes you think twice about positioning your troops, as well as choosing which unit to activate!

This being said, the game was very exciting. Thanks to the might of the UCM, I was able to take out a lot of the Scourge's units, but the Scourge has tremendous speed, allowing them to take an objective off the board before I even had a chance to react! Not knowing all the rules we still made some mistakes, but I can see the game becoming a new important part of our wargaming nights!


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