Razzy Rants: Gimme more drugs!

Today my favourite radio station is dedicated to the use of drugs among the public. Which got me thinking about all the drugs around me. Some are depicted as harmless, but can have a very serious impact on your life.. So let's start exploring all those drugs I've come in contact with?

The 'real' drugs

This is the kind you hear about everyday, going from simple marihuana (weed) to fullblown heroin. Everybody had that one kid in class that was stoned more of the time then he was sober, my schoollife was no different. Though I've never even had the urge to do drugs, let alone smoke. Once I grew older, had more 'alternative' friends, and just got more bad-ass, I will admit to having smoked some pot (long ago). Mostly 'cause it was home grown by my best friend at the time. (Funny story, the cops raided his house a few weeks later, took his ONE little plant, his mom's fertilizer for her petunia's, all because he ordered a sun-lamp! we're still laughing about that :)) 

The known drugs

Those are the drugs everybody knows, and uses, but no one really admits being addicted to them. This goes from smoking, to alcohol, coffee, or anything you need/crave. 
Smoking isn't for me, but I know of more than enough people who just can't seem to get off the stick. I find the laws against smoking in public places absolutely a plus, but the fact that they can't even smoke in a bar anymore, just takes away part of the charm it used to have. 
Coffee is a very peculiar drug to me. I NEED IT, as long as I'm working at the office. If I'm home (even for months) I don't even crave coffee. I'll drink it if the opportunity presents itself, but I won't miss it. Alcohol is the same. I really love the taste of certain coctails, but if I go a month without, I won't feel that much worse about it. Unfortunately, I know some who are drunk by noon. Those I really pity..

IS this a drug?

Other things I need and crave are pizza, games, music,.. Not a day can go by without music, gaming is a daily part, being either a console game, or at least a wargame.. but can this be determined as a drug? I'd like to think, anything you're addicted to, is a drug. Be it cola, cigarettes or the internet, those are just as dangerous or even more then cocaine, because those are accepted by society. The addiction to facebook, is one that keeps some of my friends at home.. Is that healthy? at least pot smokers need to go outside to get some weed..

I feel the need..

the need to feel needed. I guess my biggest drug is the fact I need to feel needed. Now let me get this straight, it's not like I'm addicted to sex, or the constant craving for attention. It's just that I want to feel wanted. I want to get attention from certain people, whom I give attention. I've got some friends which I just don't hear enough.. where I try to get them to come over, or just talk to me, but most of the time, they just tell me off. And sure, those aren't the friends you need, but it's that letdown (which I create myself) that makes me just that more stubborn to the rest.. Aaaah.. vicious circles.. so I guess sado masochism is an addiction as well?

Guess I started a blog because of an addiction.. (or two, three, ...)


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