Razzy Rants: "Most of the time"

I do what I have to.. The rest of the time, I do what I want to." A quote I've remembered since the first time I heard it. (Bonus points for those who know where it comes from). And in today's day and age, where servants are a thing of the past, why does this remain true?
Let me sketch my life in short. I'm a fulltime father of 2 beautiful children. I work as an IT consultant where I'm being called to and fro by not only clients, but also my bosses. I've got way too many hobbies which involve me to actively play with other people and I only have about 24h a day. How to fracking do it...

Time management

First part I had to understand was to get my life in order. Not only for myself, but also for a certain regime which helps with raising children. An average day for me, consists of the following
06h40: Wake up, wake the kids, make them sandwiches, take a shower, ... get ready
07h30: Get the kids ready for school, and leave. Drop of my daughter at the nursery, drop of my son at school, go to work.
08h30: work work work - this is the easy part -
17h00: Go back home
18h00: Go shopping for missing food (Optional)
18h15: Prepare food/table/eat
19h20: Put son into bed, and read him a bedtime story.
20h00: Clean up the living room, do the dishes, ...
20h30 - 23h30: FREE TIME
23h30: needs bed..
Thus leaving me (at best) about 3 hours to do what I want to do. This leaves out all the time I spend on my girlfriend, optional problems, extra household chores, .. This of course is an universal problem and I'm sure I'm not the only one. Charting out your timetable already helps making your life a more manageable mess (if only to see you'll have to give up that dream of becoming a pro-gamer..).
The weekends aren't that much better, and to make things worse, kids love to go to scouts, or some other activity, yu have to go shopping (as well as anyone else!), ... Finding time, is a time consuming activity by itself!

Work work..

Even at work you always seem to be out of time. By the time you have completed your task, another two or three have already been given to you, not to even mention the tasks you did WHILE doing the thing you were supposed to do. And yet, that's what the boss expects of you. The perfect example that everybody (and not just women) can multitask. At work, we have a time registration tool, which helps me remember what I was doing, because sometime.. you're working on one thing, then another more important problem arises, after a few minutes a co-worker really needs your assistance with a problem, and naturally that's the moment a client decides to call you about a thing he really needs done by tonight.. conclusion: what the frack was I doing an hour ago? So yay for time registration, unfortunately I don't have it hardwired in my brain.. so once I get home, it happens way too much that I start something, need to do another thing and totally forget what I was doing..

Have to get it done..

The problem with most things is that they have to be done, and as a person, be it a father, mother or simply an employee, you have the urge to make sure that things are done. And so you give priority to those things regardless of what you were doing. I myself often describe my holidays or weekend's as "working for another boss", 'cause when it comes down to it, those few hours I have on a day I can spend for myself, they are stolen hours from other things I'm just pushing back untill they bite me in the a$$. But that's just how it goes, and while this might seem like an awful busy way of living, I wouldn't have it any other way. And you know why? I get bored when I have nothing on my planning!


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