DreadBall: Thunderbolt DreadBall Tournament

Having taken part in my first DreadBall Tournament, I was glad I had the luxury of playing with some great people. This Tournament, organised by The Thunderbolts (from Belgium, Ghent) was a great opportunity for me to be challenged by some new teams, see some excellent painted models, and to have some GREAT fun.

Stark Raving and Number 88, posing before the tournament
We came together on a hot sweaty afternoon to play some games of DreadBall. With some helpful gifts of Mantic Games, prize support was secured and all players were more than happy to start playing. Me myself joined the fun, with my Corporation team, "Stark Raving". The Tournament organiser was already setting up the pitches, and some few were getting acquainted. Once we were all present (with the expected absentees..) we quickly started our first matchup.

Matchup 1: Sunnytown Bulldogs (Marauders) vs. Stark Raving (Corporation)

The game started fast with a few heavy hits by the Marauding Orx, leaving me with a Striker and a Guard in the bench. Luckily, Number 88 came into action and gave the opponent a run for his money.
Give me that damned ball, you darned alien!
Not completely knowing what Number 88 does, my opponent lost some actions trying to slam him down. Luckily, thanks to his "Mind like water" ability, I brushed off all attacks. And to top it off, he was on a heavy roll, scoring twice with a lucky 4-pointer, and an easy 2-pointer. Thus winning me the match with 0 - 6.

Matchup 2: Stark Raving (Corporation) vs. Teleporting Adult Mutant Alien Turtles (Teratons)

Bring it!
Now, this was my first time playing against Teratons, and I was looking forward to it! Making a decent setup for the first turn, I was primed and ready to go for it! The ball gets launched, and I try to pick it up with Number 88. HE FUMBLES, and I have my first turnover in about 20 seconds -_-'. The game only went downhill from there. I didn't know those Teratons could teleport (bad me), and Number 88 fumbled another 2 times.
All this, and some awesome actions by The Praetorian, caused me to lose the match with a landslide in turn 8. The combination of an MVP not picking up a ball, and another doing all he's supposed to do, leads to a quick loss, though a fun match!

Matchup 3: Stark Raving (Corporation) vs. Dead Moon Slammers (Marauders)

This other marauding team was lead by a less experienced player, and had the bad luck of not getting any saves. 
knock knock!
After 3 rushes, about half his team was taken out, and I scored a 3 pointer thanks to Number 88 (who finally had enough rest..) The game was really taken away by Number 88 when he sprinted over the field, picking up the ball, jumping over an Orx, and scoring a 3-pointer, thus crossing an entire board (almost twice!) in one rush. Both me and those watching were awed by the bonus some MVP's can add to your game! We continued to toss the ball over and forth, missing some strikes, and by the end, my opponent started fouling, just to get some easy cheers (which got all his Orx sent off field!) winning me the game with 6 - 0


We only played 3 games, but the scores quickly added up to clear figures. I ended up being second, beaten by my second opponent with his Turtles. A well deserved winner! The afternoon was a lot of fun, and I'd like to think I've learned a new thing or two. Seeing the way a tournament is played out, I'm likely to host my own tournament in the future, leading only to the DreadBall disease spreading. 

Thunderbolts and DreadBall.. we'll be hearing more of this!


wesley 'merces' decloedt said…
we're happy you came to us. we sure will be coming your way if there's a tourney. its Always a good experience playing other people from out the country.
Razieltje said…
I'm looking into organising a 1day tournament, end of September I'll be sure to keep you posted!

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