DreadBall: TournaRaz 2k14: Day Two - Match Two

Losing their first match to their battle brethren "TITANS", "The Scrapyard Bits" have chosen "Veer-Myn Vermin" as their new opponnent. They've been hard at work, training themselves to stomp some rats, while the "Veer-Myn Vermin" has been scurrying around to improve their ball-skills after all those failed passes last time. First up, the robots.
The Rats are ready to rumble

"The Scrapyard Bits"   vs.   "The Veer-Myn Vermin"

Rush 1 - "The Scrapyard Bits"

Instantly number 1, Jack Delco, number 2, Jack Carburateur and number 4, Jack Chargebuuze transform into Guards. 
While Carburateur slams Striker Ikit pushing him back, Chargebuuze slams Striker Tretch.

Rush 2 - "The Veer-Myn Vermin"

Number 2, Striker Thanquol tries to go for a pick up but falls over, being blocked by Guard Chargebuuze. Even Striker Ikit, fails to evade Delco, falling to the ground.
Luckily number 8, Striker Tretch dodges through all the enemies for a pickup and picks up, rushing towards the 4 point scoring hex. He throws the ball, but fails to score, scattering the ball.

Rush 3 - "The Scrapyard Bits"

Guard Delco slams into number 8, Striker Tretch pushing him back, while number 4, Guard Chargebuuze moves in to slam number 4, Striker Throt pushing him.
Number 2, Guard Carburateur slams number 5, Guard Boneripper twice only pushing him back. The Robots are having problems hitting those fast Vermin!

Rush 4 - "The Veer-Myn Vermin"

While number 3, Striker Ikit and number 2, Striker Thanquol stand back up, Striker Tretch picks up the ball.
Number 5, Guard Boneripper slams Guard Carburateur wounding him. Striker Tretch tries to score again for a 3 pointer but misses again.

Rush 5 - "The Scrapyard Bits"

Number 1, Guard Delco gets tired of those scoring attempts and pushes number 8, Striker Tretch back. He tries to slam again, but Striker Tretch dodges the blow effectively moving away.
Number 3, Jack Startmoteur transforms into a Guard and joins the fight, slamming number 4, Striker Throt dealing him 3 wounds! He then goes after Striker Thanquol, only pushing him back

Rush 6 - "The Veer-Myn Vermin"

number 7, Striker Snikch sprints up the field enforcing the team. Striker Tretch picks up the ball again while Striker Thanquol runs to safety.
Guard Boneripper slams number 5, Jack Bluts to clear a path dealing 2 wounds. This allows number 8, Striker Tretch to move up and try to score another 3 pointer. The crowd begins to get angry since he misses again!

Rush 7 - "The Scrapyard Bits"

Guard Chargebuuze slams into number 5, Guard Boneripper knocking him down while number 3, Guard Startmoteur tries to slam number 3, Striker Ikit who dodges all blows.
Number 1, Guard Delco slams into number 8, Striker Tretch again finally taking him out with 2 wounds.

Rush 8 - "The Veer-Myn Vermin"

Number 2, Striker Thanquol sprints towards center line trying to increase the pressure while number 7, Striker Snikch sprints towards the furthest scoring zone.
Snikch picks up the ball and tries to score a 3 pointer, the ball misses target and scatters back.

Rush 9 - "The Scrapyard Bits"

Guard Carburateur has had enough and slams Striker Ikit taking him out for good. Number 2, Guard Carburateur tries to slam number 7, Striker Snikch who evades the blow, dodging away, while Guard Delco and Striker Snikch have the same situation. Guard Chargebuuze then slams Striker Thanquol wounding him. Guard Startmoteur sprints to the scoring zone to block Snikch from scoring.

Rush 10 - "The Veer-Myn Vermin"

number 5, Guard Boneripper stands up and slams number 4, Guard Chargebuuze pushing him back. Number 6, Guard Queek springs towards Guard Chargebuuze and slams him with all his might, dealing 2 wounds.
Striker Snikch tries to sprint away from the other guards but fails and falls down

Rush 11 - "The Scrapyard Bits"

Number 5, Jack Bluts moves up the field and picks up the ball then runs on with it. Number 3, Guard Startmoteur sprints toward the visitors scoring zone while number 2, Guard Carburateur comes back into play immediately pushing back number 5, Guard Boneripper. Feeling the end of the match coming up, number 1, Guard Delco stomps number 7, Striker Snikch, missing the little rat.

Rush 12 - "The Veer-Myn Vermin"

number 2, Striker Thanquol sprints up the backfield and steals the ball of number 5, Jack Bluts. Number 8, Striker Tretch moves up the field for some backup while number 5, Guard Boneripper slams Guard Carburateur. Unfortunately Boneripper gets wounded and is taken out for a rush. Suddenly the ball scatters and is relaunched, barely missing Guard Delco!

Rush 13 - "The Scrapyard Bits"

After Jack Blus transforms, number 3, Guard Startmoteur and Guard Bluts gang up on number 2, Striker Thanquol. With combined strenght they deal him 3 damage, while Guard Delco stomps number 7, Strike Snikch. Luckily for the Veer-My Vermin, Sar-U-Man was attentive and Delco got sent off the grid.

Rush 14 - "The Veer-Myn Vermin"

In the final stretch, and nothing else to do, number 6, Guard Queek tries to wound Guard Carburateur but fails. Number 8, Striker Tretch feels the pressure and sprints towards the ball. He picks it up with a fluent move and tries to go for the scoring hex. He throws and finally SCORES his first point, concluding this match!
Finally, the liberating score!


After a long and hard match, "The Veer-Myn Vermin" end undefeated with 0 - 1 thanks to a lucky point by their Striker Tretch. While Ikit is traded in for cash, another Vermin has been baptized "Ikit" to replace him on the team. "The Scrapyard Bits" fought hard, and it payed off. With Carburateur gaining Quick Recovery and Startmoteur gaining Stretch, their CPU's have been upgraded for the next matches coming up


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