DreadBall: Veer-Myn Team Tactics

Being a Mantic Pathfinder and a Mantic DreadBall Fanatic, I often get asked about how to play with several DreadBall teams. What tactics they should play, which are their strongest points or just their flaws. What MVP's should we really go with, and how will the team grow in a league? Trying to educate people in a group, I thought I'd write my opinion down for all the teams. So let's scrawl along the Veer-Myn!
Someone call an exterminator..

The Veer-Myn

Wherever there's leftovers, filth and clandestine business, you can be sure to run into the Veer-Myn. These rat-like aliens are a skiddish race in the Mantica Universe and have found themselves a little place in the DreadBall headquarters from where they scavenge for points..
By investing 100mc into their team, you're rewarded with no coaching die and but one DreadBall Card. Luckily every rat has his own purpose, so Jacks are nowhere to be seen in a Veer-Myn team.

Mov Str Spd Skl Arm SLu Cst Notes
Guard 6 4+ 3+ 5+ 4+ x2 12mc none
Striker 6 4+ 3+ 5+ 5+ x6 11mc none

Huh? Strikers with 5+ Skill?! How can we score? With no additional Skills and no difference between the players except their title, how can this team be successful?
A Guard surrounded by Strikers

Try and hit me!

Veer-Myn are one of the Season 1 teams introduced by Mantic Games. When looking at the Mantica universe, they're the lowlife filth always around, scurrying and leaping while you try and flail to get away from them.
In a Veer-Myn team you won't find many surprises or a very forgiving statline, and because of that this team is absolutely not recommended for first-time players. (Although IMHO you should play teams you love ^_-). Thankfully all players belong to a group, giving them the needed extra dice to perform their actions. The default 3+ Speed allows your Guards to evade with the same ease as some of the best Strikers, so be certain to use that to your advantage in repositioning your team! By making good use of your 3+ Speed and 6 movement you can get into the furthest scoring zone with ease and use your second action to make the score. Don't be afraid to take the easy 3 points, instead of trying out 4 points. Don't try to pass with your Veer-myn, having to throw and catch on a 5+ is a too big of a risk. Another piece of advice is to wait until your final actions before trying to pick up or throw the ball. That way, you won't leave the rest of team up for grabs if it fails!
Veer-Myn charge!
Placing your team on the pitch is by preference. When starting, I prefer to just rush the field and let one Rat do it all per rush. Being able to dodge by most opponents makes your Strikers a big threat into reaching the 4point zone. Getting there to score should be your primary mission.
When going second I start more to the back, defending all my score zones. Thanks to their movement of 6, your skitters can be a threat almost from their Reserves box, and thanks to the 3+ Speed, you'll be able to dodge most defense lines with ease. This makes them actually a better team than one would see from their basic statline.
When it comes to scoring, it will certainly be opportune to use your coaching die, giving you at least a chance to score. Because of this, passing is HIGHLY ill-adviced. Better would be to use your Guards and block the path to the Striker carrying the ball if you can't score. Having your Speed allows you to get about everywhere on the pitch!
Sordus Silage Scroungers by the Pagan Gerbil

League play with Veer-Myn

The Veer-Myn are another team that have a hard time reaching the top in a league. That is to say, if you don't keep focussed. Playing Veer-Myn means you should try to score EVERY turn preferably 3 points by moving to the back zone and improving your dice pool to get that 5+. If you're able to play this way, you'll be certain to landslide in Rush 7-8. Use your speed to Steal the ball and get up close to score!
When it comes to upgrades, be sure to invest in extra coaching dice when possible. Improving your Skill, or Strength will be the way when ranking up in order to increase your threat. Gaining "A Safe Pair of Hands" on your Strikers does allow you to try and throw (no guarantees promised though!)
Master Splinter approves! © Wondercat Painting

What MVP's would play for us?

There is one Veer-Myn MVP uniquely available, so why choose! Reek Rolat aka "Payback" is a Guard with the stats to prove it. Boasting a 3+ Strength and "Can't Feel a Thing", this MVP will certainly improve your defensive abilities.
Or go for Rico Van Dien, or if you feel that your Strikers (or your dice checks) are failing and use his fan checks to increase your dice pool making it possible for your team members to bring something to the game!
What Reeks?


The Veer-Myn team brings Speed to the table. you'll be able to run across the pitch, distracting and blocking your opponent, but at the cost of scoring. Not for the casual Coach, this team offers lots of love and hilarious situations when played correctly.
Be aware that you'll fail more scoring attempts than you'll actually gain points, that annoying your opponent and minimizing his scoring chance is your purpose, and you'll have a blast. If that's not your cup of tea, this might not be the team for you.
Are you of the straightforward whacking type? Look no further. This team offers new players and veterans alike the needed tools to blooden the pitch and get away with it!
Despite all their rage..

If you agree or disagree with any of my opinions about this team or my blog, don't hesitate to leave a comment. Or share this article if you like it, and spread the love!


Anonymous said…
I've heard that a good strategy with Veey-myn is to not pick up the ball at all. Instead block off all three of your strike zones with strikers and guards. One Guard and one striker on each of the front score zones and two strikers on the back one. Make sure to block off the 2 and 4 point shots by blocking line of sight. Put tackle zones down on the spaces where your opponent can actually score from.

Consider fouling by putting 7 players on the pitch and use a guard to distract the ref as your first action. You can only be sent off in your turn. So feel free to foul as your last action. If you get away with it, you can have extra blockers to stop your opponent scoring.

Consider using your 2nd action to buy a card each turn. You might get lucky and get a striker action.

On your turn when you have either distracted the ref or got irrelevant players sent off so you are no longer fouling, use your speed 6 with up to 3 dashes to steal the ball at range 7 - 8 easily. This gives you 4 dice needing 3s. Much better than 4 dice needing 5s.

Use your 2nd action to go for an easy 1 or 3 pointer at range 7 - 8 Don't bother with 2 or 4 pointers unless you have a striker card so you don't have to move or coaching dice.

If you can't get a shot off this turn sprint 12 with one or two dashes to get out of slam range and try again next turn.
Razieltje said…
Picking up is mostly a part in scoring. It's a tactic I didn't hear of before,but sounds wicked! Let me know how it fares :-)
Anonymous said…
Veer-Myn coaches are known to be cunning and inventive...
Your team placement with 3 guards is the perfect example !

I enyoyed reading your article, as this team is amongst my favourites. Even if trying to score with the low skill increases my blodd pressure everytime.

One advice to the opponing coaches, never end your turn with a player handling the ball. Throw it to (the back) of Veer-Myn strikers instead ! You will feel three times relieved: your ball carrier won't be stolen, you should get a few rats out of the pitch, and you'll thank their 5+ skill next turn when a rat fails his attempt to pick up the ball !

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