In the world of Mantica, the Teraton race is renowned for their mild-mannerism, making them excellent servants and diplomats amongst the other races. Their bulky demeanour led them to be a very cautious race. When they first entered the DreadBall scene, many were shocked to see them there. Being slow and fairly aggressive on the pitch, these giant turtles quickly showed their might by being hard to catch, yet hard to ignore!
Spending 100mc on liquid ooze, you can fish an entire Teraton team out the sewers, yet no cards nor Coaching dice.
4 Guards and 4 Jacks make up your Team with the built-in ability to Teleport. These very robust players know how to handle an opposing team. Having a 3+ Strength and 4 Guards this is a very powerful team to start with. Having no Strikers, scoring does come a bit harder to them.
Teleport is as much a defensive, as an offensive gift. in your turn, instead of performing a run action you can choose to Teleport. This allows you to move 4 hexes, without having to take any Evade tests, or being interrupted by Running Interference. It isn't possible to follow this up with a Dash though!
While being defensie, Teleport prevents you from being Slammed in your rear arc. If you are slammed in the rear arc, you can automatically move up to 4 hexes away, effectively ending that Slam. This does mean, if you've got 360 vision, you will get Slammed (though not in your rear arc). While you're lying down, do know you can still be Stomped as you are not Slammed!
Teenage Mutant Teleporting Turtles
Yeah.. this might really be laying it on thick, but these awesome models lend themselves greatly to the theme and some have really perfected it as well. And it's not that hard to see how. Having 4 Guards with the stats to match them, these Teratons are fighting machines. Having an attack-line of those bad boys, makes every Striker wet his pants. Especially when you think of the fact you can't even Slam them from behind. These bastions really can handle themselves in a Slamdown. Do be warned that when you're outnumbered, even the mightiest can fall quickly.
Your Jacks have the task of being (1)the vanguard to support your Guards in taking down the opponent, as well as (2)the players that need to secure the victory. Try to choose dedicated players to handle the ball, and go for safe shots (don't run and score).
Having Teleport on all your players makes it something you can use to your advantage. When placing your ball handling player, how about letting him face the wall? (think about it.. ^_-.. this is no super way to win though, but I've seen it being used to fun effects!). This can also be turned against you, as this simply blocks the possibility of you getting sucker-punched. When placing your team, remember this. Focus on protecting your grounds with your entire team, and push those others back.
They are everywhere! |
Defensive should be a given talent for these Teratons. You're strong, can't be attacked in the rear and know what you want, so spread out these bad boys and make them knock you out of their way.
Teraton and League play
Teraton are awesome players, but do cost alot of credits. Gaining experience will be key with these players. Let your Jacks go for the 3 pointers, and do your best to knock out enough other players with your Guards. Your Jacks will surely benefit by gaining Skill or even A Safe pair of Hands, while your Guards would love to gain Can't Feel A Thing. When choosing for 360 vision don't forget your Teleport-save is out!
Spending Credits should go to extra Coaching Dice. Another (and most chosen option) is an offensive Coach. Having an extra action ensures your Jack having a full dice pool. (and the Splinter model looks great!)
While I should talk about Dozer, a giant MVP, completely inline with the spirit of the Teraton team which brings another Guard to the team, she'll most likely never show up on the pitch. Giants aren't allowed that often, and your Guards are actually as adequate.
Better would be to opt for a Striker to support your Jacks into leveling. When an option, the Praetorian would suit this role just fine!
Dozer about to eat up some monkeybrain.. |
Another great team to play with, the Teraton present you with a formidable starting line, and a sight to fear. Be prepared for some all-out headbashing games or simply running around trying to stop those fast buggers.
If you're into the cosmetics of the team you'll certainly not regret having these beasts on your side as well.
If you agree or disagree with any of my opinions about this team or my blog, don't hesitate to leave a comment. Or share this article if you like it, and spread the love!