Disney Infinity 3.0: Review (PS4)

Star Wars is making a new debut this fall and many other corporations and brands are feeling the downpour of pressure in order to produce something linking them to this upcoming success. Disney, as owner of the franchisse jumped at the opportunity to create another fantastic enjoyable game (with the needed DLC and extra purchases).
Disney Infinity 3.0 was introduced bringing us an upgrade for the 2014 hit Disney Infinity 2.0, but is it better than the previous, or simply another copy of the previous..
Play whatever you want!

Disney Infinity 3.0: Play Without limits

Bringing Disney Infinity to the new platforms, Disney took all their previous experience and went to make it better.
Thanks to a well-thought new tutorial system and huge content, young players as of 7 (they have to be able to read, unless mommy/daddy helps them) will be quickly on their way through the multiverse that is Disney Infinity.
Being availabe on all current platforms, Disney Infinity allows you to re-use your previous portal as well as all the previous figurines in the Play Box. So all previous owners of the Marvel Avengers box, or even the first Disney Infinity will find their favourite characters back into the game.
Unfortunately you won't be able to play any previous Stories in this version. The official statement claims this is because of new functionalities and incompatible gameplay, though that depends mostly on the eye of the beholder imho.
Buying the game in the current starter box offers you the game (on your chosen platform), the Disney Infinity Base, two game figurines (Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka)  as well as the Star Wars: Twilight of the Republic Play set which offers you a great story.
A great story between Episode I and II

Star Wars and other stories

Star Wars: Twilight of the Republic is the included Play Set in the starter box. It tells the story of Anakin and Obi-Wan hindering General Grievous in his plans to capture Padmé Amidala.
The content of the game is great, and really puts you in the middle of a Star Wars story. Being very linear these stories aren't that hard to complete and will mostly be you getting from point A to point B while fighting several know scenes from the first two movies (Episode I and II!). Being able to do those with your favourite Jedi certainly lives up to that expectation! Next to the main quest, which will take you about 6 hours to complete), you're offered with a huge range of side-quests. These side-quests range from simply destroying several enemies to finding specific objects to completing a race within a time limit. Although these side missions seem repetitive, they bring not only extra content and playtime to your game, but also offer rewards in the form of extra items for your own Play Box.
Han, gimme the wheel!
Another fun part in this story is the inclusion of space travel and battles from inside a space fighter. For those remembering the old games of Star Wars: Rebel Assault or others, put yourself back in the cockpit and go shoot some Tie Fighters! Unfortunately I found the lack of (unlockable) extra space ships saddening. I would've loved to be able to fly an X-Wing, or even a Z-95 or Y-Wing.

Play time without limits

Disney Infinity offers a much greater content than only the Play Sets. Thanks to your Toy Box, you'll spend countless hours in this game. The Toy Box is a place where you can create your own world. Thanks to very clear tutorials, and a new controls-system, Disney Infinity lets you create own worlds in the style you'd prefer.
Loading a Desert landscape...
This allows you to create your own Cars race tracks, or Pod Races, or simply build your own princess castle which others can explore. Make a dungeon in Tron style where you have to fight off wave after wave of enemies, the options really are endless. For those not particularely good at creating or imagining things, Disney allows you to download or go into the worlds created by other users. Making the content even more endless. Though Disney applies their own filters with the submitted materials, don't be surprised that the content and playvalue of some worlds is better than others. Disney offers certain "Highlighted" Toy boxes for you to try out, which all provide extra playfun.
Welcome to my mansion ^_-

Characters and upgrades

The game itself focusses on building your own world, and exploring your imagination with the help of your favourite Disney Characters. These character are picked directly from the most popular Disney franchises, with the latest edition Star Wars Rebels. But let's not forget the classics like Tron, Peter Pan and all Mickey Mouse figurines. Next to all new figurines introduced now, all older figurines can still be used withing the Toy Boxes, giving everyone the option to play with their favourite figurines.
Stitch messing around the Hub
Every figurine has its own memory, and during gameplay earns experience as well as energy. This experience allows your character to grow, and develop new abilities or gain more strength. Thanks to an easy Skill tree available in the game, you can upgrade the character to your liking.
The Energy is used to buy extra items from the store which in their part can be used to extend your own Toy Box. Although the energy is saved on your personal account, your figurines contain their current level, and can thus be used at a friends place!
Should I upgrade my offense or defense first?
Disney Infinity also keeps using their Power Discs. These discs add extra power, abilities or even items to your character. Simply placing them under your figurine on the base, directly activates them. Though not a must, it certainly is fun to watch Obi-Wan run around on the unicycle!
What hard to reach places?


Offering us less than the previous installments when it comes to content (item-wise), Disney Infinity 3.0 makes that up in game-content. The Play Hub has never before offered as much options, the number of options have never been bigger and you'll always have something to do, even while playing in the 'tutorial' world. Thanks to a very easy system you're quickly able to create your own worlds and share them with everyone online. Ever get tired of playing around in a mess, or simply can't make a decent environment? Go online and you'll have hundreds of worlds to choose from.
Disney Infinity 3.0 offers anyone a great time, though you'll find yourself quickly buying extra figurines and play discs in order to get more out of it.
Gonna need a bigger box..


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