Ever wondered what would happen when some crazy scientists get interested in DreadBall? Well.. they start to experiment on making the ideal players. Since they can only get their hands on monkeys, the Zee was born.
These cloned and enhanced beasts have been trained in the way of the Ball yet keep their mischievous nature when it comes to playing!
Buying yourself some Zee's for 100mc gives you 10 of those monkeys, one DreadBall card but no Coaching dice.
Look at that, TEN players to start with! At least you won't be needing to buy extra players that soon.. or will we? All of them being Jacks, and but 5+ Strenght and Skill, this team will have to rely on strength in numbers and a decent portion of luck and trickery. So let's see what those tricks are all about.
It Wasn't Me
This one is kind of complicated. Being of great number, the Zee start to confuse the Ref. Because of this, they can never use the "Distract the Ref" action.
On the other side, a player with this ability can only be called "Foul" once per team action. So if multiple fouls are made in a single action, only one can be called out by the opponent.
To make matters even worse, even when called foul upon, the player can decide to either pursuade the ref to reduce the sentence by rolling 3 dice on a 3+ (every success reduces the time by 1) or simply blame another player with this ability. When choosing another player, that player does get +1 on his time-out (and no chance to plead for mercy!)
This ability allows you to use the "Run" action on two models, for a single token! That way, you can run with two of your monkeys, keeping an action in reserve. Certainly this will be of use when running around and positioning all members of your team.
TEAM RULE: Monkey Business
These monkeys have a specific Team rule. They cannot buy Coaching Dice. They do however keep those earned by Cheers.
To compensate their erradic behaviour, starting each Zee Rush, you can roll a single die. On 1 to 3 you get that much Coaching Dice, else you get nothing to use this Rush. (Then these dice are discarded)
The Zee come in all sizes |
Monkey see, monkey do
Wow those abilities allow you to do some real misschief! Think about moving all your Zee's towards the enemy before slamming, or simply bringing up more than the allowed 6 players!
Make good use of the double Run action and position your Zees all around. This can be combined with bringing players from your bench on the Pitch. Choose to pursuade the Ref, this should really keep your players on the pitch, where you can use them to threaten the opponents. Having this kind of versatility is reflected in the setup of this team.
When going first, we can whip up the party (and bring some more in later!) So we'll position most in front, trying to bring other opponents down using the buddy technique (in which we bring in extra teammates to guard our scoring zones)
That's a lot of yellow... |
When standing on the receiving end of the pitch, standing a bit back is preferred. Throw enough threat zones and dodge out of the way when needed using your 3+ Speed. When your turn comes up, you'll be in close enough to get back to them in force.
Consider that bug surrounded! |
Playing a league "Zee" style
Costing 9mc, the Zee aren't that expendable. You'll want to keep them alive sometimes choosing to be sent off-pitch than trampled. Not being able to buy Coaching dice, buying a coach is a good idea. Extra cards do boost your actions even more.
Upgrading your Zee can be done either way. I'd propose you try to specialize some of your players (improve purely skill, or Strength when possible). That way, those can be protected by 'disappearing' into the mass of Zee's.
Nicely themed Zees by Vinnss |
Top monkeys
Riller is the prime-ape. Bringing even more Dirty Tricks and a decent statline to the pitch, he certainly is hwort the upgrade. When playing with Giants, the Alpha Simian will be certain to show up on the pitch. Though not boasting that good stats, it does help if King Kong is playing on your side!
Depending on your own playstyle, it might help to bring in some specialized help in order for you to either secure some points, or knock down key opponents
Nicely painted by Wondercat Painting |
The Zee are a bunch of frantic and erratic monkeys running around the pitch. They can be as punishing as they are rewarding. Players who like to confuse their opponent, (and themselves) while trying to get away with it, look no further
If on the other hand you're looking for an easy to play team, try some humans. Especially in leagues, the Zee are able to turn the tide bringing a crowded pitch and the ability to shrug off any fouls makes you a constant threat!
Let's get 'im! |
If you agree or disagree with any of my opinions about this team or my blog, don't hesitate to leave a comment. Or share this article if you like it, and spread the love!