Feldherr transport solution Mini Plus case for X-Wing: Review

With the increase of popularity of X-Wing, and thus the tournaments for it, I've been needing a carry case to bring my dogfighters to alot more places. One of my primary concerns was the different shapes, and all the attributes you needed to get the game started. Luckily I quickly found the german company Feldherr who has the right tool for this desire! After contacting them, they quickly agreed that they have a great solution for this purpose and offered me to test their Feldherr MINI PLUS case for X-Wing.
Ready to go!


Feldherr is a german company from Berlin that specializes in foam inserts. Targetting the speficic needs of games, they have a great collection of specialized foams for all kinds of different games. This from AAA boardgames to even succesfull KickStarters.
And an awesome, recognisable logo!

What has been tested?

This test had the goal to see how to transport my teams to X-Wing tournaments. So it had to be a solution that made me carry any kind of squadron with me, and all including tokens/rulers. Luckily with the Feldherr Mini Plus, I really found my wish!
Completely ready to go

The content

The Feldherr Mini Plus is the big brother of the mini (duh!), and is the second smallest size in a whopping eight choices. It allows you to carry around 20 cm high of foam (30cm x 16cm x 20cm). It's sturdy weave fabric is nicely finished with inwards seams and the inside is made out of a fancy custom fabric (which contains the Feldherr logo). The zippers are big and durable, and a handle is available on the side of the case.
That's a lot of foam :)
Costing you 17€ for the case, you'll most likely buy it directly filled. This will cost you about 27€ and gives you the option to fill it with any combination you like. Having a great number of presets, you'll most likely find what you are looking for. If not, the option of pluck foam is always available. In this case, I opted for the set with the Millenium Falcon foam (being a mostly Rebel player :) Most of their foams offer pre-cut spaces specifically fit for the desired game-mode
Everything handy at your disposal
The Foam itself comes in different sizes and as and, as previously mentioned, you can choose from a vast list which foam cut-out you'd like, or simply choose the pluck foam. Most of these foams come with rounded borders and provide a snug fit inside their respected case, giving the entirity a luxurious feel. Having decent thick borders the trays handle easily and keep the contents safe. Even while being thrown through my car (I brake hard..) my models (and tokens) all stay in their respected cube after the ride.
Never lose your tokens again...
While using it in a game, I can quickly deploy, taking out the models, and (if room permits it) leave out the tools-tray. Even when transporting, having the option to leave on the bases makes set-up much faster which decreases set-up time and increases fun! And to improve having everything with you, the mini is just the right size to fit an A5 booklet inside, this way, you really can include everything needed.
If it fits...!


Feldherr houses my squadron, all my needed tokens and more! When going to a tournament I can quickly change the content of my case, by using other custom foam inserts. Those have been made with the greatest care, and are yet to let me down. I'm very pleased with this set, and certainly promote it. Quality is great and it handles the daily use excellently. Feldherr has really earned his place among the better transport companies!
At least they look good ^_-


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