Nagasaki and its history

Back on the move today, and heading even deeper into the western territory. We leave Kumamoto behind and head for Nagasaki!
Kumamon waving us out!


Getting around in Japan by JR train is easy, if you get the required reserved seats. Unfortunately today we didn't. Resulting in us having to find seats in the unreserved part of the train. That caused us not to have eachothers company for the best part of an hour and half on the train. Luckily we arrived safely in Nagasaki with me feeling but a bit queasy.. 
Radiation spreading from the plutonium bomb thrown on Nagasaki.
Once we left our luggage in our hotel, we went for the peace memorial. Having had the excruciating bad luck of being the second site where the Americans decided to test the efficiency of their A-bomb, this place has a permanent reminder of the effects of atomic bombs, comparable to Hiroshima.
But that's actually where the comparison ends. The museum in Nagasaki gets much more personal. Where as Hiroshima shows you the effects and the drama ensued from the attack, in Nagasaki you'll be shown the entire story. Get to see the grotesque consequences and hear their stories told. The museum offers you several places of reflection, which you'll certainly be able to use after reading some facts spread throughout the museum.  They even offer you the option of building an origami crane to symbolize peace.
Our feeble attemps to spread peace 
In retrospect we liked this memorial beter. In both science as experience, though this doesn't affect the quality of Hiroshima's exhibitions! 

Once we were all walked out we checked in to our hotel to find a small surprise on our bed.
And in perfect colors! 
That and the lovely room bode well for a good night's sleep. We found a nice restaurant by the pier and had a lovely dinner. Now to relax and plan the next day...
Another stamp hits the book


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