Universal Studios Osaka

Sometimes you have excellent planning, sometimes you think it'll be fine, but sometimes everything says 'to hell with your ideas!' so we wanted to go to Universal Studios...
Umbrellas everywhere! 

Rainy day...

Yes, you've got that right, it wasn't just simply raining, it began to pour.. But, as the great Belgians we are, we could stand some rain and went to the Studios anyway. Arriving there, we found out that EVERY rollercoaster was closed because of the bad weather.. Nice. We did however decide to make the best of it, and bought our tickets. First up was a 4D experience about the anime series "Attack on Titan". Truth be told, I didn't understand any of it, and probably never will. My fiancée does want to see the entire series now (without me). Next, we braved the ever increasing rainfall and explored Hogsmeade.
Where's my letter!

Potter and more..

They made a great town of it. It breathes the atmosphere of the movie franchise and you really feel the magic. From the trick shop to the wand place of Olivander's your magic-spleen will be tickled. Do brave the 2-3 hour wait in order to take the Forbidden Journey 4D ride. It's spectacular! Do be warned, if you get motion sickness easily, don't eat before this ride! 

Jurassic Park

Afterwards we scoured through Jurassic Parc, only to end up in Backdraft while we waited for entry tickets for the Jurassic park wild ride. Backdraft shows you in a small show exactly how the movie was made. Quite interesting if you're into fire prevention! The wild ride in JP was a decent waterslide, decorated with the needed dinosaurs and CGI. Both were fun, but unfortunately we didn't get to ride the Flying Dinosaur ride because of the weather.

Minion Plaza 

Getting hungry we stopped in the happiness center to have some lunch. They had a Minion menu, which I just had to try. It was great!
Great cheeseburger! 
We went afterwards to another 4D movie, this time Evangelion. My fiancée being a big fan this just had to follow!(I'll probably have to watch this anime.. )
Oh J J, you crack me up..
Next up was another awesome 3D ride with Spiderman in the main role and we finished our trip with a visit to the "back to the future" ride which left me because of my motion-sickness decommissioned.. :-/

With night falling we walked a bit more through the park, when the rollercoasters seemed to be trying out passengers.  We scuffled to the Flying Dinosaur, and were allowed to enter after some persuasion and luck (I guess..) I sat this one out, with my stomach in a knot and watch my loved one twirl and scream from a safe distance ending our experience. 


Every ride had a queue between 40 minutes and more than 3 hours. During the entire day we did about 6 attractions, which is a lot considering.. We only got one rollercoaster in, and this because of incessant whining by the visitors and the rain showers letting up briefly! The 4D rides and movies are fantastic as were the (crowds of) people working for the park. But...First of all, don't take young kids to this park unless they can be patient for hours on end and second buy yourself a quick ride pass, that way at least you'll spare yourself some waiting..

Anyways, tired and dripping we returned to the hotel, planning our last moments in Osaka before heading to Hiroshima tomorrow!


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